Regie 24 qm:
Abhöre Genelec 1030 A +Sub, Yamaha HS 80 M Screen: 4 X 22" LG Flat
Mackie C3, Euphonix MC Control Mix: PreSonus Central Station+Rem
PreAmp: Michael Zaehl CVA 2 Mic Pre, TL Audio Tube Stereo
MOTU 828 MK3 + 2 X Presonus Digi Max D8
= 28 Chan Recording Ready
Full Acustic Concept Basotec Diffusion Elements
Record A 10 qm: 22 " LCD Display with Cam Comnunication with Regie
Full Acustic Concept Basotec Diffusion Elements
new 2010 Yamaha C3 Grand P. + 100 Year Mannburg Harmonium
Neumann U 87, AKG C.414 B-ULS, 2 X Rode NT 5
The T.Bone SCT800 Stereo Set, MicScreen
Thomas Transistor Organ
Record B 20 qm:
Garage Accoustic for spez. Room Reverberation
22 " LCD Display with Cam Comnunication with Regie
Fame Accordeon, Contra Bass, Yamaha Acoustic Guitar
Roland JP 8, Yamaha SY 77, Roland Fantom
Mac Pro 8 Core 16 GB, 3 X 128 SSD Raid 0 Array up to 700mb/sec read+wright
2,5 TB Intern, 8 TB Synology Server DS 710+
UAD 2 Quad Neve Pack, Precision Pack, EMT 250 + 140, Pultec, Fairchild, Cambridge, SPL Tarnsient
Waves SSL + GTR 3 Amp Sim, VSL + Ensemble Spez.Ed. ,Plus Ed. , Epic Orch.
Spectrasonics All-Pack.
Logic Studio
G5 Mac Dual Core 4 GB, 2 TB int. 4 x DVI, Canopus FW Video
MacBook, G4 Mac, PowerMac 7100 and last but not least Atari Mega 2!